Irish Stew
Irish Stew for Saint Patrick's Day Saint Patrick's Day is approaching rapidly, along with all the foods we consider to be "traditional" for the day. I thought it would be interesting to do some research into period (antebellum) foods and recipes for the day. Lyrics to "St Patrick Was a Gentleman" The Every-Day and Table Book , Wm. Hone, 1835 The Recipe This recipe for Irish stew comes from Charles Francatelli, chef to Queen Victoria for four years. One of his four published cookbooks is geared towards the working class. He discusses ways to make frugal ways more filling (usually by adding oatmeal or bread to broth) and to help them extend to feed enough people. To my delight, he included a recipe for Irish stew. Preparation and Thoughts Thereon Let me confess upfront - this stew was a shock to my system. I kept wanting to ADD THINGS - ALL THE THINGS! Where was the seasoning other than s...