Bread Part 2 - Sally Lunn
Time for a Do Over! Sally Lunn with butter and raspberry jam I was really unhappy about the bread failing (see previous post), so I decided to try again. Challenge 7: Pretty as a Picture I'll be honest - at this point I didn't care how pretty the result was or not - I just wanted the bread to rise and have an acceptably light but not over light texture. We could discuss variations on Sally Lunn ad infinitum - I've seen batter versions that are poured into the pan, shaped buns, and bread loaves. The recipe I selected suggests it can be griddle cooked, resulting in something similar to an English muffin. We could discuss who Sally Lunn was and trace the recipe from England to America. But, you know what? Perhaps another time. I'm just fighting mad after the last challenge failure. We are just going to focus on this bread and getting it to come out (it's baking as I type) The Recipe, Year, and Region This version of Sally ...