White Snakeroot

White snakeroot is starting to bloom in northern Illinois. Snakeroot is a common plant that grows in almost (if not all) counties in Illinois. I was gratified to find out that another name for the plant is Tall Boneset, since my first guess was that it was a boneset.

The common name of this species derives from the erroneous belief among early settlers that the bitter rhizomes were beneficial in the treatment of snakebites. In fact, the foliage and rhizomes are highly toxic, causing fatalities from 'Milk Sickness' because the toxins can pass through the milk of dairy cattle to humans.

Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, died from milk sickness.

A thick stand of white snakeroot is very fragrant and attracts a number of insects. I am constantly torn trying to decide if I should pull it out of my garden. So far historic interest has won out!


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